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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dictionary definitions of the word:

monopoly plural monopolies
1 If a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it
2 A large company that controls all or most of a business activity: The company is a state-owned monopoly.
3 If someone has a monopoly on something, that thing belongs to them, and no one else can share it.

From Longman dictionary

But when many of us here MONOPOLY this comes to our mind:

A famous board game that is hardly ever forgetable. This guy in the center of the logo is named Mr. Monopoly.

Beside the original U.K incarnation of it there are various editions of it based on characters or events like "World Cup 2006" Monopoly, there is a Spider-Man monopoly and also there are the various videogame depictions of 1 single board game.

In general there are three sets of cards:

1. Community Service (Pink cards on the board, a card is to be taken by the one whom his peace stands on the point on the board titled by this set of cards)

2. Chance (Yellow cards very much similar to community service)

3. Documents prooving what you own in this game of lands

A favorite card for most of the players is common between Chance & "Community Service" is "Get Out of Jail Free", you can sell this card with a bit more money than your initial 1,500 pounds. A joke on this card is: "In a prison, one of the inmates gave a security guard this card and he was released". From the source I got it from they say it's true, but this is too hard to be true, it's as hard as "Barry Allen" & "Wally West" team-up in a current issue with a revived Barry.

Read full history - MONOPOLY


Not just a fighter, more as a guy searching his soul and looking for wisdom and strength.

Not sure when 22 years will be done exactly since that date, just share the joy of the years of success with this photo of the challenging rivals and best of friends.

Read full history - 22 YEARS AS A FIGHTER

Man Behind This Blog