When some came with news about this game some thought this was an April fool sort of trick out of the normal month, if you see the image with Sub-Zero head facing Batman's head you might think it's a fantastic work of photoshop, that was before seeing official game trailers and news directly from Akklaim Entertainment
MK Logo & DC Logo together representing the unite of two universes, it just didn't show what
comes with it
This is the game front cover, it's too obvious for me to explain
Character select screen for vs & practice mode has 10 characters from the DCU & 10 from "Mortal Kombat", plus the two bosses if you press the R1 button on the PS3 controller, the latter two are unlockable through finishing both story paths:
*Choose playing with DC characters & you unlock Darkseid after finishing it
*Choose playing with MK characters & you unlock Shao-Kahn after getting through with it
For the arcade mode you can choose who you fight, DC characters and the half boss is Darkseid, MK characters and the half boss is Shao-Kahn, or a mixed batch and the half boss can be either one of two.
The final boss of the game is a merge between both bosses, and is named Dark-Kahn
During fights; L1 tosses and R1 does a "Test Your Might" mode, watch what button is held by the enemy so you won't press it, if you press it your attack will be countered. If you are the victim press the button pressed by your enemy quickly after to counter.
If you hit a wall and fall a distance being thrown by the enemy press the button displayed by your enemy controls to take control and you strike the enemy, this way you won't be damaged and you're foe will be damaged by as much as you strike him/her.
I made this review & tutorial after playing for only a while on the PS3 only. The XBOX360 controls are the same key positions, just different names for their keys, I'm certain cause I played "Winning 11" with a friend on his 360 and it has the exact same control

comes with it

*Choose playing with DC characters & you unlock Darkseid after finishing it
*Choose playing with MK characters & you unlock Shao-Kahn after getting through with it
For the arcade mode you can choose who you fight, DC characters and the half boss is Darkseid, MK characters and the half boss is Shao-Kahn, or a mixed batch and the half boss can be either one of two.
The final boss of the game is a merge between both bosses, and is named Dark-Kahn

If you hit a wall and fall a distance being thrown by the enemy press the button displayed by your enemy controls to take control and you strike the enemy, this way you won't be damaged and you're foe will be damaged by as much as you strike him/her.
I made this review & tutorial after playing for only a while on the PS3 only. The XBOX360 controls are the same key positions, just different names for their keys, I'm certain cause I played "Winning 11" with a friend on his 360 and it has the exact same control