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Monday, November 29, 2010


Hmm, quite some time passed since I last posted about a game, now I return with this. Like most new Action/Adventure games, most of what you do here is move and fight enemies, this routine got really overused, get a new sense of gaming developers, please.

Alright already, I'll quit sulking about it and give my detailed opinion of this game, which can be summed up in this short paragraph:
"It is awesome to drive air and ground army vehicles, to consume people and disguise as them, to glide and use so many superpowers, as well as slicing enemies, only it get tiring too soon when a game is so repetitive"

Elaborately speaking:


Story is nice, it's about "Alex Mercer", a scientist from Gentek, one of their top gniuses working on developing a bio weapon, a virus (it seems so many story tellers don't get tired of this plot in both games and film, seems to them it doesn't get old), the guy died, woke from death not remembering anything, escapes soldiers, then he's on a quest to make ssensse of everything and stop the spreading of infection he caused turning all people of Manhattan to canibalistic beasts. The thing that separates Ale from the rest is that he keeps his mind, and he gain memories of people he consume

Flaw in the game is that after you discover that Mercer is actually dead, and you play with the virus that consumed him and gains memories of everyone it consumes, it consumed nothing of Mercer's memories causing him Amnesia
In an open city where you can move freely, youdon't have to worry about playing a linear game, or be bored of a Sandbox game (I belong to category No.1), too bad for travelling you don't have threads to shoot like Spider-Man, and you can't steal a fast vehicle like in Grand Theft Auto, all you have to do is sprint, until you consume a certain soldier to learn how to drive a tank

Consuming is fun, you can do it in two different ways:
  • Cause soldiers to chase you if they see you, that doesn't always happen, not everytime you lift someone to walk with and consume
  • Stealth consume, this is the silent better approach, cause it is less trouble making

Most of what there is to do is move and attack, making it more of a Beat 'Em Up sort of game. You can use powers to attack, use arms you steal from soldiers to fight, use helicopter or tank, or carry and toss some stuff on the enemies

Extra activities:

  • Walk races
  • Glide



  • I bet you were looking forward to this, what have I got to say about the voice acting and music, I really admire the voice cast selected
  • A lot of soundtracks have the feel of Dark Knight music to it, man that music is awesome



They're really nice in cinematics, need greater improvement in gameplay mode


This is a great game for you if you enjoy war games, monster games, slicing characters and camaflouge

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