I'll set this now, my favorites, ones I played and love the most, not placing as best or whatever, when I do my favorite sidescrollers fighting games won't be included, so let's start
P.S: For the sake of keeping posts readable, I'll post 6 games at a time, there are many great and highly memorable fighting games, this section is for the Capcom ones only, and the only Capcom fighting games there

Street Fighter Collection 2: Compiling all versions of Street Fighter before turning the series SUPER mode. 3 versions of one game released in 1992, they were ahead of their time for having smooth animation, great tracks and sound effects, not only is it memorable, it's fantastic, I still have a great deal of fun playing all of these three games

Super Street Fighter 2: The game got two improved releases with 4 extra characters in 1994, character designs changed a bit, tracks changed mildly and became continuous through both rounds 1 & 2, bonus levels remained, combo and first attack became important. SSF2 Turbo edition had the special of adding special attacks to the characters. KICK-ASS even to this day

Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3: I always looked at Alpha as a reboot, can't look at it differently now, Street Fighter Alpha/Zero one seemed to retell the tale of Street Fighter 1 by making Sagat the Final boss for Ryu at least. Continuing with this reboot lead to this awesome achievement. Story mode for each character is a pit cause switching characters make you restart the ladder, but I managed to get over this

Marvel vs Street Fighter, I don't give it the title it was labeled with cause you can select a few of Marvel's supervillains, they aren't heroes, why say it as if only heroes from Marvel fight Street Fighter characters? Doesn't make much of a sense

X-Men vs Street Fighter started continued, a track for each character with different backgrounds not a background exclusive to the character, this time having more Capcom characters than from Street Fighter franchise, it's a great win

Great sequel, loved the insertion of three players tag-team and inserting Jill Valentine as a fighter, also Iceman was upgraded from mere sidekick to a fighter, it's great
Haven't played the third installment of MVC, Street Fighter 4, or Super Street Fighter 4, I cannot judge any of those, so none of them is in part 2, or any later part of my top fighting games of all time
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