This image looks like it has Batman sulking
Since this October we will be treated by a sequel apparently superior to this one, I figured it's time I state what I think about this game, give my general thoughts
Batman caught Joker, took him to Arkham island (as always) to see him escape capture (as always). This time Joker's capture and transfer to Arkham was uncomfortably too easy for Batman, so he decided to tag along with the guards to check Joker being placed in his cell, the bastard escapes, kidnaps Drs & gurards, kills guards, and unleashes terrors
Story does characters justice, it got the mythos properly, progressed finely, nice little changes for the game, a game I admire when it comes to storytelling, not as admirable as Resident Evil or Metal Gear, still admirable
Collecting tapes of patients interviews adds to the story some details not found in normal gameplay, so respect and collect them
One cliched line and reply are there, they irked me ever since I first heard them, they still do, it's the only flaw in this game story
Batman: It's over
Joker: It hasn't even begun
For that annoyance I give the story 9.9/10
Nice good looking graphics, clean, based on art of Alex Ross made it look highly admirable
Lips animation feels a little animatronic like, not as human as it should feel, so that is a minus
Miscellaneous: 9.9/10
Soundtracks: 10/10
Camera: It has some issues every 3rd person game suffers from, get your back to a wall and your character is hidden, not something to go all "DAMMIT" about. 9.8/10
Gameplay:This is the big one, I give 70% on game reviewing based on gameplay. How the game goes:
Combat: Smooth and fine, it's a button masher where you depend mostly on pressing one attack button, often you need to counter, there are times when you need to use stun attacks. Playing on Normal Mode after finishing the game on easy mode felt like Normal has a more aggressive fighter in Batman. Combat is fun, not the best combat system, but it's great, and lots of fun
Stealth takeouts: You will need to do that a lot to avoid bullets, Batman depends a lot on stealth in combat. After you get the "Hang from Gargoyle and pull henchman" upgrade stealth takeouts get more fun
As you progress in the game, more gadgets are collected to get use of, some of them are fun to use on henchmen and have a blast with, I love using the bat-claw to pull them
Shedding light on everything that is good about this game would make this post too long and unreadable, so I'll stop here
Total Score: 97.3/100
Shedding light on everything that is good about this game would make this post too long and unreadable, so I'll stop here
Total Score: 97.3/100
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