"Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion" is the latest comic book video game based on Marvel's major crossover known as "The Civil War", where heroes sided with villains against other heroes and villains just on the cause of the superhero registration act.
Pro-registration side is lead by "Tony Stark"/"Iron Man" side by side with "Mr. Fantastic"/"Reed Richards"
Anti-Registration side is lead by "Steve Rogers"/"Captain America" and "Luke Cage"
So tell me; don't you find it wrong that the star of the cover is Spider-Man and not "Captain America"? I mean Cap should appear on the cover and if there is a variant cover for a special edition or a limited edition "Iron Man" should be the focus character on the cover.
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Don't you agree?
Pro-registration side is lead by "Tony Stark"/"Iron Man" side by side with "Mr. Fantastic"/"Reed Richards"
Anti-Registration side is lead by "Steve Rogers"/"Captain America" and "Luke Cage"
So tell me; don't you find it wrong that the star of the cover is Spider-Man and not "Captain America"? I mean Cap should appear on the cover and if there is a variant cover for a special edition or a limited edition "Iron Man" should be the focus character on the cover.
Does thee nay agree?
Don't you agree?