The treats were a lie!
The treats were a lie!
The treats were a lie!
On Thursday Mrs. Select Start promised to make one of my favorite sweets, Rice Krispies Treats, and I still haven't had my dream granted. Now I was a bit occupied the last couple of days with both interviewing for a newspaper internship and also the C-USA Conference Championship between the University of Central Florida (where I currently attend) and Tulsa University.
Needless to say, both came out great. I landed the internship and UCF beat Tulsa giving us our first conference championship. But just when I thought that good things might come in threes, I was blindsided. There were no celebratory tasty treats waiting at home.
Fortunately my friend and I were killing time waiting for Mrs. SS to cook them by playing some Assassin's Creed, when all of a sudden we noticed that the sun had set. Immediately we both knew that could mean only one thing -- Mrs. SS was going to fall asleep soon and we would be left shafted.
So my friend, out of nowhere, said, "Wait a second, I came because I heard that Rice Krispies Treats would be here, the treats were a lie." And if you have ever played Portal, you would agree that that certain line is priceless. So hilarity ensued and we nagged Mrs. SS by screaming "the treats were a lie" until we got them.
So if anyone tells you that playing video games doesn't get anything done, tell them to call me because I got freshly made treats to prove it!
- R
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