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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Editorial: "PS3 Good News, Where Are You?"

Just for this time, we'll stray away from news and have a discussion. While searching for news to blog about here, I really noticed (more than I usually had) that the lack of PS3 good news was staggering.

For the sake of proof, here are links that are on the main pages of web pages dedicated to gaming news:
I did not extensively look for bad news but instead went to sites and skimmed down the panels and grabbed what I saw. Surely there was some bad Wii/360 news scattered but much of it was either promoting it's product (Wii Channels) or comparing graphics (Xbox 360 vs. PS3).

Even while rummaging through message boards it seems that readers are getting agitated by some sites posting too much negative news about the PS3 and in quick succession.

We all know the PS3 is battling hard times right now, but is there nothing to look forward to?
We here rants and grumbles about Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy XII, but how many times can that be repeated before those cries are muffled out?

I am a gamer that is open to all consoles, I pledge no allegiance and only wish to have a good gaming experience.

But right now, what is to make me (or any other consumer) want to have the console that at the moment is at the gallows awaiting it's fate?

When will we be able to remove Sony's golden child from the stockade and wipe the spatter of tomatoes from it's shiny plastic cover?

And when will I stop using analogies?

Even though this site's post may be riddled with "here comes another PS3 problem," I assure those fans that I too am waiting for the sun to rise on Sony's horizon.

Until then, all we can do is suck it up and read the bad news and hope that one day Sony will give us a reason to buy the PS3.


*image courtesy of a really bad job with Windows Paint.


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