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Friday, February 23, 2007

Do I need a Restraining Order?

As you have probably read in previous articles, Aeris, GameStop's automated phone-machine mistress, has reached an all-time high of creepiness.

Earlier in February, customers began to receive calls from the "lady in the phone" about trading in their copies of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

At first my reaction to this call was amusing. GameStop has gone out of their way to try to make me sell back my game, which I just bought from them.

This is no uncommon, since GameStop is about buying and selling used games, but come on I just got it. Let me enjoy it for a little while.

I, like other gamers, ignored the call and went on with our lives. She didn't.

On February 19th, the day before Xbox 360's Crackdown release, the phone rang again. The number seemed strange, but since that number could be a friend or business acquaintance, I was unable to ignore it.

R: "Hello?"

Voice: "Hi, this is Aeris from GameStop! We see you..."

(during Aeris' rant) "Son of a *****."

Yes, she called again. This time to tell me about the midnight release of Crackdown to be held at my local GameStop. I hung up.

Well now it seems another gamer has received, what might be, my third call coming up. The call wanted him to take a quick survey.

The survey asked customers how it was to shop at their local GameStop. The questions focused on the greeting, speediness of employees and overall helpfulness. The usual stuff.

I can say this for my local GameStop. The employees (in no way spunky) are very helpful, quite quick to my purchase and won't let me leave the store without harassing me of pre-ordering some game title I don't want!

Sorry, I was blowing off some steam.

Well, should I expect a call from the sexy-stalker on the phone? Probably.

And I'll feel irate all over again, but I can't do much. Getting myself pulled off the calling-list will lose me those times they call to inform me of great deals.

Damn Catch-22's.

Next time she calls I'll probably pick it up. Why?

Well, what can I say? I'm a sucker for torture.




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