Upon searching the game library, which was less than satisfying I decided to take a peek at the "old" stuff.
And there it was.
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Now I played this game before when I rented it, but somewhere along the line my save file was deleted.
Yep. I sat there staring at the screen, my eyes watering slowly, the flashbacks of smiles and laughs with little Link, the hours spent saving Hyrule (which really needs to stop being taken over. Hire a militia or something.), all of it ... Gone.
And that was it. I sent the game back, forgot about it, ignored the hype about how good it was and went on gaming.
Well, as I stood before the game and wondered, "Should I give it another shot," it dawned upon me.
What is it about this game franchise that makes it so damn entertaining? I had to find out.
I got home, popped the puppy in my DS and waited to hear that sweet adventure music.
As I started playing, I realized it had been so long I had forgotten much of the plot line. Even better, now it won't feel like I'm slugging through known terrain.
And that's my story. But I began to wonder.
What is it about Legend of Zelda (LOZ) games that make them so appealing?
The stories in each game are far-fetched (i.e. playing musical instruments to wake an egg?).
The baddies are all repeated, except for the bosses, but something has to be new, right?
If you've played any LOZ before, you know that the item you received in the dungeon usually is the weakness of it's boss.
But what is it? The music?
Hearing that legendary adventure music as you hack and slash your way to victory?
I'll never know. But the games are good.
And on that note, I end my rant.
I have land to rescue and a princess to save (good for nothing princess).
Seriously, how many times to we have to save her? Buy a gun or something, sister! Damn.
*image courtesy of http://www.everyvideogame.com/video/The_Legend_Of_Zelda_Title.jpg
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