During the past months since it's release, the Wii has been a figment of the imagination on store shelves. Retail outlets have all but given up on answering customers demands for the little system.
Flashback a year, during this time gamers would have been harassing retail stores for the Xbox 360, which was in sparse availability until late Spring 2006.
With a one year head start, the 360 has been able to migrate into most homes due to it being the one and only next-generation console.
This past holiday season, both Nintendo and Sony released their consoles - Sony's being the PlayStation 3 - and have had their fair share of ups and downs.
According to the article, "in Japan, Nintendo sold a total 1.4 million units of the Wii, while Sony has managed to sell 614,000 units. At this sales rate, Nintendo will soon have with the Wii three times the installed base of Sony’s PlayStation 3."
Secondly, the Wii audience has reached far and wide bringing together entire families to the ballgame.
It's possible that Nintendo has a hit that could help bring it back into the console war - since it's earlier console, Gamecube, was deserted by the Xbox and PlayStation 2.
The Wii might just be this year's console winner if Nintendo can produce quality games making the Xbox 360 settle for second.
Where's the PlayStation 3?
Well, as of right now, Sony has had little luck on the success of it's next-gen console.
Is it possible to bring it out of an early grave?
Certainly. It would be unwise to underestimate Sony, but they can only make up so much lost ground before they'll have to settle for last.
UPDATE: Due to much criticism - I take no sides in what I believe will be on top. Personally I like the Wii, but know the 360 has an already made base. Whoever comes out on top, they would have probably earned it.
*image courtesy of www.cheapassgamer.com
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