While searching through news site, www.Kotaku.com, a story titled "Rumor Halo 4 Confirmed" caught the eye.
As most gamers know, Halo 3, set to be released sometime this Fall (hopefully), is one of this year's most anticipated games.
The article mentions an eBay auction titled "Cameo in HALO 3! Donated by Bungie for Hollywood Arts!"
The auction will grant its winner a Halo 3 voice cameo (auction already closed).
What has stirred the news of another sequel is in the description:
"Voice over will be recorded at Blindlight Studios in
Surprised? Probably not.
Microsoft (MS) has a money-making franchise in Halo. So then, why end it after three installments?
Are we really going to "finish the fight" like Halo 3 describes in it's trailers? Who knows?
I don't know. But that doesn't mean we can't discuss it.
Is a fourth Halo so hard to believe? Hardly not.
Putting my game face aside, I can see the financial opportunity MS has by creating another Halo.
Gamers are sure to buy it, thus bringing in more revenue. But that has to take into account that creator Bungie does not butcher the game somewhere in development, which is never impossible.
There are too many questions and what else can we say without proof?
Nothing really, except that if there is another sequel, let's welcome it in open arms.
But for now lets just wait for Halo 3 and enjoy it with all our Brute-hating hearts. Then after that, let's see if we're ready for a fourth adventure with good ol' Master Chief.
*image courtesy of another terrible photo crop by me (Hey, I'm a writer.)
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