"We have more titles coming to Wii than what’s been announced HOWEVER, I must admit, many of them [besides Resident Evil] are not mature titles despite the fact that’s an area Capcom is known for," Christian Svenssen, Capcom's Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research said.
From there, Svenssen goes on to say that he does not believe the Wii to make it to homes of a mature player base and that within two years it will be a group with a majority of younger players.
Yes Capcom you are correct. The Wii is aiming towards younger audiences with family-friendly titles such as The Godfather (family-friendly), possibly GTA (that's good for slumber parties) and Manhunt 2 (wow so that's how my colon looks on the outside).
What better to do with the family, then sit around the T.V. and eat some brownies while junior maims human beings in such creative fashions. It helps develop their brains for school.
Get real Capcom.
Sure the name "Wii" might not seem mature, but haven't you already realized that in those violent games there will be no button to execute a move?
That's right! Every throat cut, limb severed, gut impaled, eye gouged and abdomen cleaved will be done with the trusty Wii-mote.
There will be nothing more sweet than the sound of the enemy gurgling from the tiny speaker in my hand.
Oh sweet, sweet melody. Woo me to sleep and good dreams.
Stop trying to be a rebel and realize lots of mature gamers picked up the Wii already for Zelda. That's right, Zelda is a classic that most "young'uns" today cast aside for Pokemon.
O ye of little faith, do not fret for the Wii will make a name for itself.
Plus, Nintendo execs said it themselves that they had nothing wrong with M-rated titles.
Why? Two words.
Parental Controls.
*image courtesy of http://wii.qj.net/Cute-baby-plays-the-Zelda/pg/49/aid/8020
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