An awesome game, very good plot and nicely executed levels except one which I'll talk about in some time.
[Mike is a rookie gangster but a handy muscle-man (not Power-Man; he's nothing like Luke Cage), his partner Vinnie prepairs some stuff so they can flee the country but Vinnie dies in a bombed car. Looking for clues to who killed his partner to have his vengeance he works under employment of several people:
1. 8-Ball: The car bombs expert
2. Jonnie: A fat Bar-Tender who gets killed b4 Mike goes to battle King Courtney
3. King Courtney: Jamaican gang leader
4. Cisco: Directed by King Courtney to kill this Columbian guy, Mike believes his target and works for him
5. Asuka: A slutty leader of the Yakuza Mike works for starting with saving her niece he kidnapped
Mike is a real fool to believe in these many and work with them.
After leaving Asuka Mike finally finds the man he was looking for in a long time: His old Partner Vinnie himself. Mike kills Vinnie and gets the $10,000 he had.
Mike kills King Courtney and an army of his gangsters, then fleds Vice City to Columbia leaving the gangsters wanting him behind.]
The missionss are good to play except one to kill some thugs of King Courtney before heading to his house and kill him, you only have 4 minutes to play that stage when you require 4:30 minutes, what lousiness.
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