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Thursday, October 9, 2008


This is what the cartridge looks like. The only Grand Theft Auto game I played, really wanted to play that one made for the PS1 but never had the opppurtunity.

An awesome game, very good plot and nicely executed levels except one which I'll talk about in some time.

[Mike is a rookie gangster but a handy muscle-man (not Power-Man; he's nothing like Luke Cage), his partner Vinnie prepairs some stuff so they can flee the country but Vinnie dies in a bombed car. Looking for clues to who killed his partner to have his vengeance he works under employment of several people:

1. 8-Ball: The car bombs expert

2. Jonnie: A fat Bar-Tender who gets killed b4 Mike goes to battle King Courtney

3. King Courtney: Jamaican gang leader

4. Cisco: Directed by King Courtney to kill this Columbian guy, Mike believes his target and works for him

5. Asuka: A slutty leader of the Yakuza Mike works for starting with saving her niece he kidnapped

Mike is a real fool to believe in these many and work with them.

After leaving Asuka Mike finally finds the man he was looking for in a long time: His old Partner Vinnie himself. Mike kills Vinnie and gets the $10,000 he had.

Mike kills King Courtney and an army of his gangsters, then fleds Vice City to Columbia leaving the gangsters wanting him behind.]

The missionss are good to play except one to kill some thugs of King Courtney before heading to his house and kill him, you only have 4 minutes to play that stage when you require 4:30 minutes, what lousiness.



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