11. JOHNNY CAGE: A while has passed since I last played a "Mortal Kombat" game, and I forgot completely about one of the best characters in the game; "Johnny Cage". One of the "Realm of Earth" three champions, Johnny is a Hollywood movie star skilled enough in martial arts to prove himself in a competition between realms and he defeated the Shokhan prince who killed Liu-Kang's ancestor "Kung Lao". Outside of "Mortal Kombat Trilogy" "Johnny Cage" is one of the best points in MK. In your face you old-wizard.com psycho's
12. Dr. FAUST: This crazy bag-headed doctor is a legendary physician, once he performed an operation on a girl but she died and he got incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit. Rage turned him to a killer (under the name of: Dr. BaldHead) until the spirit of the young girl came to him and told him her death is not from his error. Dr. Baldhead concealed his head in a paper bag and uses the name Faust. His moves are spectacular and he's fun to play with, not to mention the comedy in his character
13. LIU KANG: Mortal Kombat games main star, even after his death in MK: Deception he had to return as a zombie and go against the evil sorcerer Shang-Tsung. This fighter trained in the temple of light in "Hong Kong" and is the best fighter & champion of MK series. Starting from MKII his hair became longer, he weared a head-band and his famous bycicle kick has taken its toll.

14. LEON SCOTT KENNEDY: Not related to former president Kennedy whatsoever. A rookie cop came to start officialy his first day on his job as a police officer in "Raccon City" where he met the sister of one of his fired superiors before Leon takes his job. After escaping the city; Claire took her own path and the presidential "Secret Services" took him, trained him and gave him a position.
15. KY KISKE: A former soldier in the disassembeled organization of the "Order of the Holy Knights" and currently an officer in the international poilce, his weapon is the "Sword of Lightning"; one of the former order sacred weapons which he only mastered. The main rival to "Sol Badguy" and second strongest fighter in "Guilty Gear" series
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