A Mortal Kombat Fest, almost
The first Mortal Kombat was a huge success that spawned many follow ups, getting back to the classic titles today the first MK feels redundant and mediocre, if I start the list of video game franchises where you should start from the second installment be sure MK would be one of them
Mortal Kombat II was such a huge success, it's one of the most legendary games, and one of the top fighting games to ever hit gamers everywhere, it's so awesome you can almost find it available for every gaming system from the NES to the PS3. Motion and action became smoother, combat is fun, characters are great, finishing moves updated so each character would have 2 fatalities instead of 1, a friendship, and it introduced the concept of bablity. Photos got cleaner, details given more attention to, it was such a pure win, plus this poster is a real ASS-KICKING AWESOMENESS
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, I skip the regular 3 cause I love masked characters, especially Scorpion & Sub-Zero, the first version had no Scorpion and Sub-Zero wore no mask, kind of sad. Home consoles version of UMK3 introduced us to other ninjas like Rain & Noob Saibot as playable characters
Best version of MK3, end of story
As an MK fighting game this one is easily the best installment, storywise it's so-so

Guilty Gear XX/X2 reload is how I got introduced to Guilty gear series and loved it, never liked the sound of the electric guitar before listening to GGX2 reload tunes, and got so impressed. Combat is great, best side scrolling anime like fighting game that is not Street Fighter or King of Fighters
Read full history - ALL MY FAVORITE FIGHTING GAMES pt.2
The first Mortal Kombat was a huge success that spawned many follow ups, getting back to the classic titles today the first MK feels redundant and mediocre, if I start the list of video game franchises where you should start from the second installment be sure MK would be one of them