According to, sales for the PS3 in Japan have double from roughly 20,000 units to 44,000 in the week of February 26th to March 4th.
Still at the top of sales is the Nintendo DS Lite with 111,814 units sold. But the news here is the climb in Sony's products. PSP products have also been on the rise, which is something that is a rarity here in the U.S.
Kotaku and other sites, have given the PS3's jump in sales due to the release of Gundam Musou. Gundam Musou is one of many Japanese-loved robot games that allow users to command and wage war in giant mechs.
I really can't describe it any better ... honestly ... they love this stuff. But enough of that.
Woohoo for PS3!
I'm not a fan of any system, but it's good to know that Sony is starting to get some good news. And that it's sale have gone up due to a game release is no surprise.
That's right fellas. Games make people buy systems ... oh you didn't know?
I'm saying this because, in my personal opinion, the Wii has kind of missed this point.
My Wii has been ... well neglected. This is because there really hasn't been much I want to play, besides LOZ: Twilight Princess, of course.
The Xbox 360 has gotten some action, thanks to Crackdown, but even that has slowed down a bit.
Hopefully Sony sent out a message to it's competitor. Maybe they are trying to tell everyone that the "PS3 is not dead, yet!"
Well, kudos for you, Sony.
Perhaps now we can look at that price problem and maybe, just maybe, I'll buy one.
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