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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Rapper Redman Wants In On More Games

Blogger,, had an interview with rapper Redman about his hobby of playing games and his involvement in EA's Def Jam: Icon.

In the interview, Redman played a round with blogger Matt Sarrel and talked about his gaming past.

I had Atari. I had Coleco. So, yeah. I even had a Jaguar when it was out for a minute. I played a lot as a kid, but when I was introduced to Doom it took it to another level.
Redman also said he was a fan of the first-person shooter genre and of the Doom franchise.

Yeah, man. I always wanted to meet the motherf***ers who did Doom.
In EA's Def Jam: Icon, which was released on March 6th, gamers can take the role of Redman and enjoy whooping other rappers with it's interactive background.

When asked about his characters in Def Jam: Icon, Redman stated:

Yeah. I love it. The thing is with all my characters in all the games they come up to me and say 'Yo, your character is hard as hell to whup.'
On a side note, I was going to add a few comments about the interview but here are some quotes that sum it up.

Beginning of interview:
Redman enters
MDS [blogger]: How’s it going?
Redman: It’s just the bomb, man. The bomb. Smoked this (holds up mostly smoked blunt) We all ready for business.


A little lower in the interview:
MDS: I gotta tell you, Redman. I am a huge fan of yours. Much of my time in the mid ‘90’s was spent playing video games and listening to your music.
Redman: And getting high.

Wait, is this a legitimate interview?

In the middle of the interview:
Kudo [someone else in the room]: Why don’t you two guys fight it out?
Redman: Yeah, while we’re getting high.

Call me naive but I think he just validated that rapper/marijuana connection we always knew existed.

Luckily by then, most of the smoking references end and the real news begins, but what can we say when he makes songs titled: Boodah Break, Boodah Session and A Million and 1 Boodah Spots.

Nuff' said.


P.S. I apologize for not updating the site more often, but we can thank a friend of mine for giving me the boot. Thanks Steve.

*image courtesy of and from Def Jam: Vendetta


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