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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gamers TV Show: So Bad It's Good!

This trailer for a show from, is ... how do I say it ... good?

The show, which seems to be about the lives of gamers, shows the extreme sides of the gaming community.

Well, not really extreme. But if you live-action role-play (l.a.r.p.), then yeah, you're extreme.

What is larping, you ask?

Well, if you play games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire: The Masquerade and whatever other game there is, you role-play.

But larping takes it beyond the dice. You become the character, dress like them, act in their persona, believe you are them.

Creepy, huh? Yeah well, what can we do.

The show, appears to cover aspects of video gaming and seems to put a funny twist to it. For example, there is a clip where a character looks at his friends and they all have icons which would be seen in a game.

Some sites have given it negative feedback and I don't blame them.

It's a great concept, one that could grab a large audience, but the acting need a thorough cleaning.

Well, not much more can be said.

Just watch the trailer, cringe at the acting, try to make it through without beating on your screen like a chimp and say what I said ...

"Oh my god! I can't turn myself away, it's so horrible, yet intriguing. It's ... it's like watching a car crash about to happen, but you don't want to warn anyone cause you'll spoil the moment."

Ah, I love the Internet.


Read full history - Gamers TV Show: So Bad It's Good!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Editorial 2: Mystery of Zelda

So, I went to my local game store and decided to see what new game I could bring home to my Nintendo DS.

Upon searching the game library, which was less than satisfying I decided to take a peek at the "old" stuff.

And there it was.

Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Now I played this game before when I rented it, but somewhere along the line my save file was deleted.

Yep. I sat there staring at the screen, my eyes watering slowly, the flashbacks of smiles and laughs with little Link, the hours spent saving Hyrule (which really needs to stop being taken over. Hire a militia or something.), all of it ... Gone.

And that was it. I sent the game back, forgot about it, ignored the hype about how good it was and went on gaming.

Well, as I stood before the game and wondered, "Should I give it another shot," it dawned upon me.

What is it about this game franchise that makes it so damn entertaining? I had to find out.

I got home, popped the puppy in my DS and waited to hear that sweet adventure music.

As I started playing, I realized it had been so long I had forgotten much of the plot line. Even better, now it won't feel like I'm slugging through known terrain.

And that's my story. But I began to wonder.

What is it about Legend of Zelda (LOZ) games that make them so appealing?

The stories in each game are far-fetched (i.e. playing musical instruments to wake an egg?).

The baddies are all repeated, except for the bosses, but something has to be new, right?

If you've played any LOZ before, you know that the item you received in the dungeon usually is the weakness of it's boss.

But what is it? The music?

Hearing that legendary adventure music as you hack and slash your way to victory?

I'll never know. But the games are good.

And on that note, I end my rant.

I have land to rescue and a princess to save (good for nothing princess).

Seriously, how many times to we have to save her? Buy a gun or something, sister! Damn.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - Editorial 2: Mystery of Zelda

Friday, February 23, 2007

Do I need a Restraining Order?

As you have probably read in previous articles, Aeris, GameStop's automated phone-machine mistress, has reached an all-time high of creepiness.

Earlier in February, customers began to receive calls from the "lady in the phone" about trading in their copies of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

At first my reaction to this call was amusing. GameStop has gone out of their way to try to make me sell back my game, which I just bought from them.

This is no uncommon, since GameStop is about buying and selling used games, but come on I just got it. Let me enjoy it for a little while.

I, like other gamers, ignored the call and went on with our lives. She didn't.

On February 19th, the day before Xbox 360's Crackdown release, the phone rang again. The number seemed strange, but since that number could be a friend or business acquaintance, I was unable to ignore it.

R: "Hello?"

Voice: "Hi, this is Aeris from GameStop! We see you..."

(during Aeris' rant) "Son of a *****."

Yes, she called again. This time to tell me about the midnight release of Crackdown to be held at my local GameStop. I hung up.

Well now it seems another gamer has received, what might be, my third call coming up. The call wanted him to take a quick survey.

The survey asked customers how it was to shop at their local GameStop. The questions focused on the greeting, speediness of employees and overall helpfulness. The usual stuff.

I can say this for my local GameStop. The employees (in no way spunky) are very helpful, quite quick to my purchase and won't let me leave the store without harassing me of pre-ordering some game title I don't want!

Sorry, I was blowing off some steam.

Well, should I expect a call from the sexy-stalker on the phone? Probably.

And I'll feel irate all over again, but I can't do much. Getting myself pulled off the calling-list will lose me those times they call to inform me of great deals.

Damn Catch-22's.

Next time she calls I'll probably pick it up. Why?

Well, what can I say? I'm a sucker for torture.


Read full history - Do I need a Restraining Order?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Possible Halo 4?

2/20 UPDATE: Its seems Bungie has debunked the rumor of a Halo 4. Not surprising, but still a let down. Oh well.


While searching through news site,, a story titled "Rumor Halo 4 Confirmed" caught the eye.

As most gamers know, Halo 3, set to be released sometime this Fall (hopefully), is one of this year's most anticipated games.

The article mentions an eBay auction titled "Cameo in HALO 3! Donated by Bungie for Hollywood Arts!"

The auction will grant its winner a Halo 3 voice cameo (auction already closed).

What has stirred the news of another sequel is in the description:

"Voice over will be recorded at Blindlight Studios in Hollywood, CA before May 15, 2007 or this package will have to be redeemed for Halo 4."

Probably not.

Microsoft (MS) has a money-making franchise in Halo. So then, why end it after three installments?

Are we really going to "finish the fight" like Halo 3 describes in it's trailers? Who knows?

I don't know. But that doesn't mean we can't discuss it.

Is a fourth Halo so hard to believe? Hardly not.

Putting my game face aside, I can see the financial opportunity MS has by creating another Halo.

Gamers are sure to buy it, thus bringing in more revenue. But that has to take into account that creator Bungie does not butcher the game somewhere in development, which is never impossible.

There are too many questions and what else can we say without proof?

Nothing really, except that if there is another sequel, let's welcome it in open arms.

But for now lets just wait for Halo 3 and enjoy it with all our Brute-hating hearts. Then after that, let's see if we're ready for a fourth adventure with good ol' Master Chief.


*image courtesy of another terrible photo crop by me (Hey, I'm a writer.)

Read full history - Possible Halo 4?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Possible New 360: Tall, Dark and Handsome?

Apologies for the late posts, but this had to be commented on.

It seems that a debunked rumor of a "pimped out" Xbox 360 release has resurfaced with a vengeance.

Yet no official announcement has been made, stores are registering a SKU tag for the rumored release of the new 360. Strange.

At a price of $479.99, the 360 will come with a 120GB hard drive, HDMI-enabling and a new sexy black finish.

What could be cooler than a new upgrade to your 360 with an additional dark and mysterious look? Don't know.

I'm excited about the hard drive and the color-scheme. Currently more space is needed and as a plus, the new black look will go great with my furniture.

The question: Will 360 owners buy this to replace their old console?

Not if Microsoft uses their brains, we won't.

Hopefully, Microsoft will just release the perks of this bundle separately thus allowing fans to just upgrade their existing console.

This must be the answer to Microsoft's weakness to Sony's PS3.

The 360 lacked in memory and Blu-Ray technology that is currently found in the PS3.

But with the PS3 priced at $599.99 (499.99 for a downgraded version), will this be another slap in the face for the PS3?

It was the high price that made most consumers say, "What $600 for a game system, hell no!" At least for me it was.

As a gamer, with no favorites, my opinion is that Sony will be forced to go through with it's talks about a PS3 price-cut.

Even after it's poor sales here in the U.S, Sony's Japanese fan base has kept the PS3 afloat.

But with the European release set for March will those numbers stay the same?

Anything is possible if the price were lowered.

Would it be far-fetched to say a price-cut here in the U.S. would cause sales to increase? Nope, I'd stake my money on it.

At the moment the PS3 has lacked to convince consumer's wallets and if Microsoft releases upgradable accessories, the future could be bleak.

But for now hold high hopes for Sony that they can still pull this off, gamers.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.


*image (NOT OFFICIAL) courtesy of
Read full history - Possible New 360: Tall, Dark and Handsome?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Is This the End of Game Magazines?

In an article by, James Ashton of Future Publishing said he "blamed the publisher's falling magazine sales on the next-gen console transition and the rise in the amount of video game coverage in the mainstream media."

Ashton described the rise of Internet gaming news sites and it's affect on magazines.

"The fact is that the Internet is a booming new medium and obviously everyone publishing on the Internet is showing growth," Ashton said. "The Internet can deliver information for games and has significant advantages over print for delivering that information. It also has significant disadvantages in some areas, so Future's position has always been that we'll be committed to both."

Does this signify the fall in magazines? Maybe it's another step to the grave.

Ask any newspaper, magazine, journalist or publisher of what influence the Internet has on them and watch how long it takes for them to answer. It's instantaneous.

The Internet is an ever-growing, vast space of information that at anytime can be molded in the blink of an eye.

This means that breaking news, no matter if it happened less than a minute ago, has the chance to beat any newspapers or magazine.

But think of the magazine, which is usually distributed monthly and has to report "old news" or try to find a spin on it just to get readers. It's has to be a hard business.

What can magazines do to stay alive? Don't know.

Lots of news organizations have tried to merge with the times by creating websites, but the difficulties in trying to sell a magazine when users can get free information online is the true test.

This issue can't be answered in one blog and won't be answered because instead of dying out, magazines have chosen to adapt.

We probably won't see the end of the magazine. There are still people out there who enjoy holding a tangible piece of paper in their hands instead of typing away.

So there's still hope, for now ...

As you might have noticed, I did not mention anything on what Mr. Ashton said about next-gen console transition affecting media. Why you ask?

It's incompetent.

But instead of me saying it, I'll let an (anonymous) member of gaming news site,, answer it.

He said: "What an idiot. Print publications are at an all time low. It has nothing to do with console transitions - if anything they will push MORE copies because of new exciting news on new stuff."


*image courtesy of and a little creativity
Read full history - Is This the End of Game Magazines?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Editorial: "PS3 Good News, Where Are You?"

Just for this time, we'll stray away from news and have a discussion. While searching for news to blog about here, I really noticed (more than I usually had) that the lack of PS3 good news was staggering.

For the sake of proof, here are links that are on the main pages of web pages dedicated to gaming news:
I did not extensively look for bad news but instead went to sites and skimmed down the panels and grabbed what I saw. Surely there was some bad Wii/360 news scattered but much of it was either promoting it's product (Wii Channels) or comparing graphics (Xbox 360 vs. PS3).

Even while rummaging through message boards it seems that readers are getting agitated by some sites posting too much negative news about the PS3 and in quick succession.

We all know the PS3 is battling hard times right now, but is there nothing to look forward to?
We here rants and grumbles about Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy XII, but how many times can that be repeated before those cries are muffled out?

I am a gamer that is open to all consoles, I pledge no allegiance and only wish to have a good gaming experience.

But right now, what is to make me (or any other consumer) want to have the console that at the moment is at the gallows awaiting it's fate?

When will we be able to remove Sony's golden child from the stockade and wipe the spatter of tomatoes from it's shiny plastic cover?

And when will I stop using analogies?

Even though this site's post may be riddled with "here comes another PS3 problem," I assure those fans that I too am waiting for the sun to rise on Sony's horizon.

Until then, all we can do is suck it up and read the bad news and hope that one day Sony will give us a reason to buy the PS3.


*image courtesy of a really bad job with Windows Paint.
Read full history - Editorial: "PS3 Good News, Where Are You?"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Guerilla Marketing: Who Can We Trust?

In the March issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, a feature story dubbed "Spies Like Us" talks about the issues of "corporate shilling" worming into blogs and message boards.

The story mentions (fake) where a marketing company by the name of Zipatoni was hired by Sony to create a viral ad campaign promoting the PSP.

The floggers (fake blogger) left messages for readers in a forced slang and bad "1337" (Leet) speak.

It was this suspiciously forced street-slang that made readers question the blogs credibility and eventually a connection between the blog, Zipatoni and Sony together was found.

This caused readers/Sony fans to outrage in disgust with remarks such as, "This is retarded. As a gamer who is part of Sony's target audience I'm insulted not just by the integrity of this website, but that this reflects how intelligent Sony's marketing department thinks I am. Good job turning consumers off your product."

For the record: The article not only mentioned Sony doing this, but I want to leave as much as possible to the article. Now to my opinion.

The consumer is not stupid and to see how companies like MS and Sony try to manipulate them is as the quote above stated an insult to our intelligence.

We can assume these companies (and I include Nintendo) are just after money not consumer fan-based.

But why try to make a shoddy attempt to fool your customer, just to be bit in the ass by it.

It's safe to assume this espionage-type of advertising won't stop until companies know that they will lose more than gain from these acts.

My question to you: Is a company's credibility important to it selling a product?


*PSP flog -
*Zipatoni -
Wikipedia site (take with a grain of salt):
*image -
Read full history - Guerilla Marketing: Who Can We Trust?

Making Phone Gaming Easier.

According to has a great story on a new cellphone concept by "a mysterious Russian company named Industrial Design."

The phone, which looks like many of today's models, comes with a built in analog (yes, ANALOG) stick.

The "Compact Analog Thumb Stick" will give users a greater controllable experience than what is given now with the directional pad (d-pad).

The thumb stick, when not in use, is pushed in the center of the d-pad giving the appearance of standard phone models. It is when users give "a slight button push and turn [does] the [Compact Analog] Thumb Stick pulls out."

The future of gaming? In a sense, yes.

There are already games on portable devices. But as for games - such as first-person shooters or 3D adventures - on things like cellphones, iPods and PDA's, mobility was a hindrance.

If produced (and executed properly) this could be a huge step forward in portable device gaming.

How much will it cost?

Well that will probably be the kicker. A device like this would, upon time of release, be gouging much like the iPhone will.

But that's the price for better gaming, right? Hmm ... wonder if we'll ever see major game developers create something for it?

For now we have to see if it gets past development before we can think about games.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - Making Phone Gaming Easier.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

PlayStation 3 Launch Successful ... Um ... Huh?

Apparently, Phil Harrison of Sony told IGN:
"[The] PlayStation 3 launch has been, objectively by any measure, more successful than PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 or other competing system out previously."

Um, Phil ... Are we talking about the most successful launch here on Earth?

Because last time any person has gone to their local Best Buy, Circuit City etc. I'm pretty sure they saw a PS3 behind the glass.

Wait ... does a "successful launch" mean that products are available but not selling?

If you mean that a "successful launch" is having PS3's on shelves and not selling out, then yeah, you guys are ROCKING the business.

But as far as us competent people can say, the PS3 is about as successful as Michael Jackson running a day-care. (We love you Mike!)

Harrison even stated that he didn't care about the criticism's that PS3 as had. "With all due respect to the naysayer in the media, I couldn't care less," he said.

Couldn't care less?!

You better care, buddy. That's your companies bread-maker.

You should be trying to take all criticism's and adopt them faster than Brad and Angelina adopt Cambodians.

Ugh, I can't stomach this anymore. Sony you have traded your business prowess for a grade A lobotomy.

I'm out.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - PlayStation 3 Launch Successful ... Um ... Huh?

Learn to Drive via Crackdown, posted a video on how to increase your driving stats in upcoming sandbox game, Crackdown.

The game, which places gamers in the shoes of a super-human cop, is much like the GTA series' except this time you're the good guy.

After watching the video, I have settled on some rules to help people become better drivers ... Crackdown style!

Rules of the Road:

1. If and when driving a semi, it is highly encouraged to clear the road of any traffic, by any means necessary.

2. When traffic seems to be slowing you down, it is advised to look for a hill of some type and approach it at a high velocity. Ramping is not a crime as long as it's for a good cause. In addition you might just get little purple orbs as a prize.

3. Taking a civilians car is acceptable in all situations. Remember, they will be willing to give you their vehicle.

4. If the driver becomes difficult, you would be doing no wrong to pick them up and hurl them several feet from their car.

5. The bigger the tires, the better the squish.

Utilizing these techniques in your driving will help you become better driver in society. Remember, as long as you have a badge ... anything goes.


- Link to the video:
*image courtesy of
Read full history - Learn to Drive via Crackdown

Capcom says Wii-Wee Not Mature Enough

It seems that Capcom, the gaming company known for the Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Street Fighter and Mega Man franchises, thinks the Nintendo Wii is a bit immature.

"We have more titles coming to Wii than what’s been announced HOWEVER, I must admit, many of them [besides Resident Evil] are not mature titles despite the fact that’s an area Capcom is known for," Christian Svenssen, Capcom's Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research said.

From there, Svenssen goes on to say that he does not believe the Wii to make it to homes of a mature player base and that within two years it will be a group with a majority of younger players.

Yes Capcom you are correct. The Wii is aiming towards younger audiences with family-friendly titles such as The Godfather (family-friendly), possibly GTA (that's good for slumber parties) and Manhunt 2 (wow so that's how my colon looks on the outside).

What better to do with the family, then sit around the T.V. and eat some brownies while junior maims human beings in such creative fashions. It helps develop their brains for school.

Get real Capcom.

Sure the name "Wii" might not seem mature, but haven't you already realized that in those violent games there will be no button to execute a move?

That's right! Every throat cut, limb severed, gut impaled, eye gouged and abdomen cleaved will be done with the trusty Wii-mote.

There will be nothing more sweet than the sound of the enemy gurgling from the tiny speaker in my hand.

Oh sweet, sweet melody. Woo me to sleep and good dreams.

Stop trying to be a rebel and realize lots of mature gamers picked up the Wii already for Zelda. That's right, Zelda is a classic that most "young'uns" today cast aside for Pokemon.

O ye of little faith, do not fret for the Wii will make a name for itself.

Plus, Nintendo execs said it themselves that they had nothing wrong with M-rated titles.

Why? Two words.

Parental Controls.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - Capcom says Wii-Wee Not Mature Enough

Monday, February 12, 2007

Will the 360 Fall Victim to the Wii?

According to a story by, Nintendo CEO Reggie Fils-Aime stated that it will be only a matter of time before the Nintendo Wii achieves a larger installed base than Microsoft's Xbox 360.

During the past months since it's release, the Wii has been a figment of the imagination on store shelves. Retail outlets have all but given up on answering customers demands for the little system.

Flashback a year, during this time gamers would have been harassing retail stores for the Xbox 360, which was in sparse availability until late Spring 2006.

With a one year head start, the 360 has been able to migrate into most homes due to it being the one and only next-generation console.

This past holiday season, both Nintendo and Sony released their consoles - Sony's being the PlayStation 3 - and have had their fair share of ups and downs.

According to the article, "in Japan, Nintendo sold a total 1.4 million units of the Wii, while Sony has managed to sell 614,000 units. At this sales rate, Nintendo will soon have with the Wii three times the installed base of Sony’s PlayStation 3."

Secondly, the Wii audience has reached far and wide bringing together entire families to the ballgame.

It's possible that Nintendo has a hit that could help bring it back into the console war - since it's earlier console, Gamecube, was deserted by the Xbox and PlayStation 2.

The Wii might just be this year's console winner if Nintendo can produce quality games making the Xbox 360 settle for second.

Where's the PlayStation 3?

Well, as of right now, Sony has had little luck on the success of it's next-gen console.

Is it possible to bring it out of an early grave?

Certainly. It would be unwise to underestimate Sony, but they can only make up so much lost ground before they'll have to settle for last.

UPDATE: Due to much criticism - I take no sides in what I believe will be on top. Personally I like the Wii, but know the 360 has an already made base. Whoever comes out on top, they would have probably earned it.


image courtesy of
Read full history - Will the 360 Fall Victim to the Wii?

Legit Games Coming to the iPod?

Just for the record, no Doom on the iPod, but it seems the successful multi-media player will be entering the world of gaming.

According to Douglas MacMillan of BusinessWeek, "the company tapped several game publishers, including Electronic Arts and Namco, to deliver a selection of casual games. Titles include classics such as Tetris and Pac-Man, updates of old staples like the Arkanoid-inspired Vortex, and diversions with current pop-culture cachet like Sudoku and Texas Hold'em."

The games will be available for purchase on Apple's iTunes and slated at a price of $4.99.

Is this Apple's attempt to sweep the technology industry with the mighty iPod?

Probably. What about the Zune?

Zune, Microsoft's media playing answer to the iPod, has currently been overshadowed by the popularity of Apple's golden child.

Some might think, maybe here is where the Zune can take the lead, utilizing games.

Microsoft has already proven itself has a contender with the popularity of the Xbox 360, so what is holding them back from pulling out all the stops? Who knows.

My Opinion?

Well, I'm a fan of the iPod. Don't have one but it is on it's way.

The Zune will have to show something significant and appetising for it to win over the already steam-rolling train that is iPod.

Honestly, is Pac-Man and Tetris really going to make the iPod that much better?

How about some Halo ... no that wouldn't work so well with the scroll wheel would it?

Can't blame me for trying.


*image thanks to
Read full history - Legit Games Coming to the iPod?

Manhunt 2: Game for the Fami-Wii?

Uber-violent, Manhunt 2, seems to be raising concern since it's announcement to be released on the Nintendo Wii in Fall '07.

On Feb. 10 2006, Nintendo Executives said the Wii's parental control function should be utilized by parents if and when M-rated games are introduced to the Wii.

According to, the original Manhunt premise involved players "to be a death row inmate forced to run a deadly gauntlet at the whim of a sadistic cinematographer."

For those of you who have never played Manhunt before, here is a video depicting the several ways to "end" and person's life in the original version.

Trust me, give this four-minute video a chance and you'll see why some believe the game might be a bit too much for the family-friendly Wii.

WARNING: Graphic Content, may not be suitable for younger audiences

(Wasn't that nice? Now, back to the point.)

On the other hand - isn't this what some gamers want - a game system that is well-rounded instead of just being chalk full of games like Dewy's Adventure.

On that note, be sure when Manhunt 2 reaches game consoles everywhere, it will bring much controversy as well as our old friend, Jack Thompson.

(Note to self: Be more careful on what is watched minutes after eating.)


*image courtesy of
Read full history - Manhunt 2: Game for the Fami-Wii?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

YouTube's Success: Originality vs. Pirating

According to an article at, columnist Donna Bogatin discusses about the video super-site YouTube and if its content pirated or genuine is YouTube's "magic."

The article states, "Is the YouTube magic really the enabling of a 'creation of sophisticated goods,' or do the YouTube riches stem from the facilitation of the theft of others’ already created sophisticated goods?"

To companies, like Google, it really doesn't matter.

In October of last year, the search-engine mogul purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion.

Sources at Google say they bought the rapidly-growing site due to it being a "popular video-sharing site [providing] an increasingly lucrative marketing hub."

But the question is: Now that YouTube's content is being monitored by networks such as NBC and Fox, will the site lose it's flair?


Why? Because even though YouTube has become popular due to having copyrighted content, it has become even more popular from several independent productions.

Videos such as, Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager, Ask A Ninja and Lonelygirl15 have created such a craze that some are even receiving worldwide attention.

In fact, Lonelygirl15 was the front cover and main feature story included in Wired Magazine's December 2006 issue.Lonelygirl15 is a "user-contributed fictional video-journal" (phew - say that ten times fast) posted by Bree, played by actress Jessica Rose, and her experiences in two-minute segments.

The series has become one of YouTube's most popular videos and continues to gather viewers even after the series' was exposed as a work of fiction.

Furthermore, YouTube's influence, alongside the rise of popular community-site MySpace, made you and yours truly Time Magazines "Person of the Year."

Do people go to YouTube to catch Sunday nights Family Guy or re-runs of Seinfeld?

Sure. But is that what made YouTube what it is? I doubt it.

YouTube's success is not due to it's copyrighted content ... it was and will always be it's originality.

Viewers love the freedom of the site and the ability to be their own director, producer, actor ... whatever.

Viewers should YouTube, whether it be watching Lonelygirl15 or catching up on those childhood episodes of Transformers and Cheers.

So suck it up networks and think.

Advertisement on a website that has increased from 2.8 million viewers to 72.1 million in one year is a gold mine, the golden goose, cash crop, the fat of the land ... get it?

Remember, any publicity is good publicity.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - YouTube's Success: Originality vs. Pirating

NBA Live: Bring It Home

This just in!

EA Sports will have a televised reality competition that will feature the eight best players of NBA Live 07. The competition, set for six episodes, will pit competitors against each other for the grand prize of $100,000.

According to the news release, "during this one-of-a-kind reality competition, each gamer will compete to advance through the tournament by using home court advantage - the right to play on their own turf, flanked by family and friends."

Participants will also have to be a game coach for NBA Superstars Vince Carter, Carmelo Anthony, Baron Davis, Antawn Jamison, Dwyane Wade and even Dallas Maverick owner Mark Cuban.

NBA Live: Bring It Home will debut Sunday, Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN and ESPN HD.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - NBA Live: Bring It Home

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Chocobo RPG for the DS?

It seems that Square Enix, the company known for creating hit series franchises such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, has plans to release a role-playing adventure for the Nintendo DS.

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales, appears to be Square Enix's contribution to the Nintendo DS game library.

With great colors, adorable characters and a battle scene that has ... er ... pop up monsters what can go wrong?

One interesting notion is the hero of the story is ... you guessed it, a chocobo! Players will have the honor to take the role as one of Final Fantasy's over-grown poultry.

The game currently slated for an April 3, 2007 release date, will hopefully give gamers another title to cheer about or at least get a good weekend out of it.


*image courtesy of
Read full history - Chocobo RPG for the DS?

Will Halo 3 be this years game breaker?

When one thinks of Microsoft's consoles, the Xbox and Xbox 360, many titles come to mind: Gears of War, Fable, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and of course Halo.

With Epic Games' hit title Gears of War rising to the top of lists as a must have for gamers, the question is what will happen when the new up and comer meets the heavyweight franchise, of Halo.

Will it be possible for these two behemoths to share the stage? Or will one fall to the other and become the fall back play for gamers.

One thing is for sure, gamers will be up to their necks in bullet casings and bandages once "superhero" Master Chief picks up his gun to fight off the hordes of Covenant and Brutes.

Halo 3, set to be released sometime this year for the Xbox 360, surely will be a must have for gamers whom have long awaited the super-soldier's return and a little payback from the drag that was Halo 2.

But until then all gamers can do is wait til they can finally "finish the fight."


*image thanks to
Read full history - Will Halo 3 be this years game breaker?

God of War II site up and running!

One of the most anticipated sequels for the PS2 has finally gotten a web page ... Yes it's God of War II.

The epic game featuring the return of antagonist Kratos set to be released mid-March now has a website full of goodies.

The site comes with screen shots of our "anti-hero" with a sprinkle of the "beasties" encountered in the upcoming sequel.

What happened to the cursed Greek warrior in his past adventure? Well, one would not dare to reveal such a great tale due to the fact that it is chalk of fun and excitement.

Video of some in-game scenes and movie clips leave enough for the imagination to absorb and salivate over.

For now all us "Kratoans" can do is sit tight with our hands folded and wait for the god of war to bring devastation to our PlayStation 2's.


Sorry for the time without updates and remember ... It's not over til your out of quarters
Read full history - God of War II site up and running!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

PlayStation Experience coming to you!

According to, Sony's entertainment truck "The PlayStation Experience" will be coming to Florida.

The truck will come with multiple stations fully equipped with the new PlayStation 3 (PS3) console and it's predecessor, PlayStation 2 (PS2).

It will be suited with two 40-inch LCD TVs, outputting a high-definition screen resolution of 1080p, for the new PS3 and competitions involving popular games will be held for fans to duke it out for prizes.

The PlayStation Experience will at Best Buy Race Week in Daytona from Feb. 15-18.

On a personal note, this will be a great time to test out Sony's latest gaming hardware and software while being able to test it on the latest techno-savvy stuff. Get there and game hard.


"Remember - It's not over til your out of quarters."

*Image courtesy of
Read full history - PlayStation Experience coming to you!

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