The year 2007 has come and gone, and so has it's many game titles. Although the year is over, we can say that 2007 was a great year for video games. With titles such as Halo 3,
BioShock, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, God of War 2 and Rock Band, what was there to be upset about? Sure we had some slip-ups with Lair, Kane & Lynch and Jericho, but overall this year was pretty smooth.
But let's not dwell in the past. It's a new year and new games should be on the way. So, follow the jump for a few titles that we believe will be interesting to check out in 2008.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - Released March 11, 2008
There are a few games that I consider actual "keepers," games that I believe are fully worth the price tag, and 2006's Rainbow Six Vegas is one of them. And now that Ubisoft has announced a sequel that has a planned co-op mode, you can imagine how excited I am.
Fable 2 - Released Q3 2008
Even though Fable's game length fell a bit short, the impression it left was everlasting. Lucky for us fans, Lionhead Studios has decided that an even more complex and long sequel was needed and are in development of it now. Hope it still follows the formula the first Fable introduced because it showed me that it's always more fun to be bad than good.
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty - Released February 26, 2008
If you're sick and tired of WWII shooters or a die-hard fan of them, be sure to take a peek at Codemasters unique spin on the war in Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Based in an alternate reality where Nazi forces have invaded and began occupation of US cities, you take control of Dan Carson - construction worker turned freedom fighter - and his attempt to take back the US. Something that has us excited is that Codemasters stated that the game will utilize not-completed Nazi technology and show what might have been if history turned sour.
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - Released TBA 2008
The original of this adventure, Escape from Butcher Bay, was one of the diamond-in-the-rough type of finds. I remember my roommate renting it because he liked the Riddick movies and I decided I'd give it a try as well. The game introduced a fresh look to stealth FPS gameplay, and a smooth storyline that I was amazed this was a spin-off movie game. So to hear that Starbreeze Studios has a remake of that adventure with new added content and next-gen graphics, I can only say that I'm happy to be a gamer.
Other honorable mentions: Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Turok, Frontlines: Fuel of War, Army of Two, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
So there you go, a few games that might hit it big this year. I'll keep my fingers crossed for another delivery like 2007, and maybe a lucky lottery ticket for the cash to buy them.
- R
Images: http://www.justindauer.com/wp-content/homer-drool-702026.gif
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