Rock Band has been out for about two months now, and aside from a few hours playing drums at a local electronics store, I haven't really had the chance to really get the whole experience. I was a fan of earlier adaptations of music games such as, Karaoke Revolution and Guitar Hero, so the idea of a additional instrument was always appealing. Last night, my best friend, Mrs. SS and I, went to another close friends house and started a band. Well not really, we just played songs, but it felt like we had started a band.
As usual, I was given the microphone because I was the only one with the stones to sing, and my two other friends "rocked" the guitar and drums (which may I add hitting the kick pedal while drumming is utterly impossible for me). To make the mood fun, I decided to go all out on each performance and basically mimic Jim Carrey's The Cable Guy performance throughout each song. It was fun and I was able to get Mrs. SS to reconsider buying Rock Band, but she shot me down when she reminded me of how often I play Guitar Hero 2, which is never.
Rock Band is still on my list of games I want to buy, but until I really get a strong reason to keep playing it past the first two months, I don't think it'll become a part of the SS gaming family.
- R
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