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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Level One Blogger & Level 17 Gamer

It's only been a few months since Select-Start was created and even though it is still in it's beginning stages, I'm proud of what's been accomplished so far.

But as I am obviously not a blogging expert yet, I wasn't sure if I could consider myself a video game expert. What actually determines when someone can be called an "expert" in their field? For example, I have been playing video games since I was six-years-old, so does roughly 17 years of playing video games make me an "expert?"

Since there is no one else to argue my point, I'll provide myself with a self-rebuttal. As a reporter, I've interviewed actual artists, producers and developers involved in video game projects and I can say that those people knew their field far better than I could ever.

I could easily ask any one of those gamers I see waiting outside of my local Gamestop before a midnight release and I bet at least half of them are just as tuned to the video game world as I am. Whether they read media outlets A to Z and play more than 30 hours a week of gaming (like I do) those guys are game "experts" in their own right.

So my point is ... um, what was I whining about? I forgot already. Oh well, I guess I can move on to my next problem, which is whether or not I still have beer in my fridge. God I hope so, it would definitely wash these earlier problems away. C-ya.

- R


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