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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crank up the volume, Select Start plans to go audio

These plans are still in their early stages, but I think it's about time to try to take Select Start to the next level - through podcast. I've always been a fan of podcasting and after doing some research on how to create/run one, I think I almost have something worth a try.

But as of right now ... I am trying to find a co-host for the show, since 15 - 30 minutes of just my voice would be mind-numbing. The show would cover most aspects of gaming, such as releases, reviews, politics and issues in the gaming world. I am also hoping to be able to interview some professionals I have previously met through stories I wrote as a reporter. These professionals are programmers, artists and producers from companies like EA, Activision and even some guys I met from Team Pandemic, a professional video gaming team. And that's just for starters.

But before I get too many hopes up, mainly mine, remember that this is still in it's experimental phase. So keep your fingers crossed that my next step to global domination ... game journalism comes to fruition.

- R



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