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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Letter to Santa: "All I want for X-mas is GameFly Tampa"

Dear Santa:

GameFly stated a few months ago that a new distribution warehouse was set to open in Tampa, Florida and I'm stoked. I haven't been able to buy a title in a while (or a new Xbox 360 to play some of those games on), so I have resorted to GameFly to get my fix. Before I begin sharing my dislikes of the company, I'll gussy them up a bit. GameFly is a more efficient way to play games for the gamer who cannot/does not need to buy new games. You receive your game and, in my case, for roughly $16.95, you can keep that game as long as you want until you're done playing. Fair trade, sounds good, beats the hell heck out of Blockbuster, right?

But here's where it gets a little murky, crappy if I may. If you live in Florida or some other Eastern state not covered under GameFly's Eastern Distribution Center, then you've experienced my gripe about long turnover rates. It's ironic, no idiotic, that some East Coast states have to still be part of the Los Angeles shipping center when the Pittsburgh center is obviously closer. I guess they don't like us Floridians with our nice tans, warm winters and all.

And so here I am ...

Sending my Christmas wishes to you, Santa, in hopes that the new distribution center in Tampa will open. Oh, just the sheer thought of a three-day turnaround, makes me all giddy inside, since I play games like it's a full-time job. And finally I'll feel like I am actually getting my moneys worth and not being robbed to spend half my month waiting for a game to reach my mailbox.

No more worries like receiving a game I decided to rent/play/finish from Blockbuster and finding a new GameFly envelope in the mail and the game I just beat is in there, which just happened to me with Xbox 360's Eternal Sonata. And so I am left with the gut-wrenching feeling that I have to resend it back and wait two more weeks to get my next game. I've been extra good this year, I've prayed every night, donated all I can and bought a crap load of Girl Scout cookies to make sure that you can see I tried.

All I want is to have an unlimited access of games and sit at home a get fat playing them, that's all. I wanna live the American Dream.

Thanks Santa and have a Happy X-Mas!

- RichieB (from Select Start)


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