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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Prototype Trailer Looks F-Bombing Awesome

Going to keep this short since Robot Chicken is going to start soon, but if you saw Spike TV's 2007 Video Game Awards you might have seen this trailer for Radical Entertainment's game titled Prototype, which is slated for a late 2008 release. Radical is responsible for developing The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which was basically a destruction-fest starring the Green Goliath in a sandbox world like the Spider-Man games. The Prototype video hints that the game will also take on that open-world feature, except this time players will be causing the destruction with Alex Mercer, an experimental human weapon gone renegade. provides this short description:
Players will take control of anti-hero Alex Mercer, who wakes up in a mysterious laboratory as an experiment with no memory of his past. The world of Prototype is engulfed in a three-way conflict between the military, a mutated viral epidemic, and Mercer -- who has become a weapon in his own right. The whole game is built around the idea of "weaponizing" yourself. Mercer can absorb his enemies, taking on their memories, appearance, and abilities. Consume a helicopter pilot, and you'll learn how to fly a helicopter.

Reminds me of what an evil Kirby would be like. I liked Ultimate Destruction and I liked Crackdown for it's over the top superhero-esque gameplay, so consider me sold if this follows the same path. Watch the video and tell us what you think.

- R


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